
My mom thinks im bored because she took my phone but nope...im having a grand time playing escape games. Lol.


My mom took my phone but she forgot i had two really really old phones...hehehe 


@_DragonJess_ i can download games atleast 


@_DragonJess_ nvm yt doesn't work ;-;


Thank you so much for the follow! I hope you enjoy my stories and I hope we can be friends! XD
          Ps: If you like FT fanfics mind checking out mine? Maybe you’ll like it? 


@_DragonJess_ XD I’ll be sure to check it out!!!! 


@chocolate_islyfe I love FT fanfics so I'll be checking them out, of course. 
            And I also hope we become friends.
            I'll be making a new book soon so you can check it out sometime if ya want.