
HI! I haven't been on here in forever and I feel like the next time I will come back on will be in another few months. I started roleplaying when I was in the fifth grade, which is nuts. I roleplayed because I didn't have too many friends in real life and was in a real messed up place. My mother had cancer, dad lost his job, sister got pregnant, and my brother did drugs. I roleplayed on this website called Quotev for a few months and loved it, I stopped using that and came here and made an account. After six months on here, I tried quotev again and didn't work out so I made this account. I became best friends with a roleplayer whos muse was named Parker. I made many friends, two of which I talk to in real life still. This account has made me happy, sad, excited, and nervous. Demi dated someone for two years on here which is unbelievable. I have made so many friends, I've had this account since 5th grade and am on it freshmen year.


HI! I haven't been on here in forever and I feel like the next time I will come back on will be in another few months. I started roleplaying when I was in the fifth grade, which is nuts. I roleplayed because I didn't have too many friends in real life and was in a real messed up place. My mother had cancer, dad lost his job, sister got pregnant, and my brother did drugs. I roleplayed on this website called Quotev for a few months and loved it, I stopped using that and came here and made an account. After six months on here, I tried quotev again and didn't work out so I made this account. I became best friends with a roleplayer whos muse was named Parker. I made many friends, two of which I talk to in real life still. This account has made me happy, sad, excited, and nervous. Demi dated someone for two years on here which is unbelievable. I have made so many friends, I've had this account since 5th grade and am on it freshmen year.


Hey guys! I'm back again! So lately I haven't been on this year, at all, and hardly last year, but I'm finally coming on again. a week or so ago, I decided I'm going to try and come back on as soon as possible, as many times as I can. I haven't been active ever and there is no excuse for that except that this year I was really stressed in the beginning and didn't need anymore to worry about so I left. I'm back now, j have to go do chores now, so I'm going to message everyone tonight :) I missed you guys 


this message may be offensive
I cannot stress the fact that I'm sorry enough, I'd love to talk to you all ooa and a few of you do, but I never use Wattpad anymore, I use Quotev now, or I just plain out never come on at all. I lied when I said I'd be on more, I don't know why and I'm beyond fucking sorry. I lied a million times about saying I'd be on more, I'm so sorry, I hope you guys please read this. Times have been hard for me lately this year, and too much to describe, I'm sorry I'm never on and I'd fucking love to talk to you guys ooa. Pm me and I'll tell you where you guys can talk to me, because I really love you guys and I'd much rather talk to you as who we are


HEY GUYS! I AM SO SORRY FOR NEVER BEING ON! This past year I haven't been on as much, maybe I'm growing out of Wattpad, maybe I'm getting older, or maybe I'm just getting lazier. I honestly have no idea why, but I know I'm not deleting this account and I promise, you guys will not wait for me to respond for more than 5 days. I have no excuse for not being on, honestly, I'm sorry that I never am on. I've made so many friends using this site and I've lost many now. You guys deserve the best and I'm sorry I screw up all the time. I really am