
Thanks for following me. :-D 


@CupFullOfRain Ya is what it is. Life is never fair. Youjust do your best to hang in there and keep moving.


@CupFullOfRain that's terrible, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. You can always talk to me or ask me for feedback if you want :)


@CupFullOfRain Aww thanks! It's always really flattering when people compliment my work. I don't really have many reads or followers and I never get feedback anymore. When I first came to Wattpad I had friends fast and people talked to me and stuff and then two years ago my son died and I stopped writing for a long while and everyone kind of abandoned me. I have one friend from here that I talk to all the time on Facebook but that's it. So thanks for taking the time to say something to me..