
this message may be offensive
HII, my fellow readers and followers! It's been a whole damn minute since I last updated ANY of my stories, I do want to say I'm quite sorry for that (like I literally always am) but like, I've been really tired and since the sleep schedule I said I'd fixed unfixed itself, I've been really tired, have been feeling very unmotivated lately, mental health issues, school, and personal problems, and maybe some other shit I am literally unaware of, and god damn, my 'E' key is being very, VERY annoying right now, it keeps adding another 'e' whenever I use it, but any who, I did want to ask you all if you wanted me to write a short, miscellaneous one-shot book from various fandoms, cause I'm bored and there is nothing to do at 2 AM, and also so you all can have a short story to read while I work on my main stories. I just wanted to bring this up to everyone to see how they felt about that idea, and this is my first time announcing stuff like this, so thats fun.
          	If you do want me to write a miscellaneous one-shot book just let mee know the character of said fandom and I'll try getting the one-shots out as soon as possible. BUT before I go, I wanted to mention that I will try not to overwork myself, to all the people who showed concern for me on the update "chapter" of Crimson I appreciate you, and I appreciate all my followers/readers just so you know, and I hope you all have a good day/night
          	also, sorry this is so long


this message may be offensive
HII, my fellow readers and followers! It's been a whole damn minute since I last updated ANY of my stories, I do want to say I'm quite sorry for that (like I literally always am) but like, I've been really tired and since the sleep schedule I said I'd fixed unfixed itself, I've been really tired, have been feeling very unmotivated lately, mental health issues, school, and personal problems, and maybe some other shit I am literally unaware of, and god damn, my 'E' key is being very, VERY annoying right now, it keeps adding another 'e' whenever I use it, but any who, I did want to ask you all if you wanted me to write a short, miscellaneous one-shot book from various fandoms, cause I'm bored and there is nothing to do at 2 AM, and also so you all can have a short story to read while I work on my main stories. I just wanted to bring this up to everyone to see how they felt about that idea, and this is my first time announcing stuff like this, so thats fun.
          If you do want me to write a miscellaneous one-shot book just let mee know the character of said fandom and I'll try getting the one-shots out as soon as possible. BUT before I go, I wanted to mention that I will try not to overwork myself, to all the people who showed concern for me on the update "chapter" of Crimson I appreciate you, and I appreciate all my followers/readers just so you know, and I hope you all have a good day/night
          also, sorry this is so long