
@IfDarylDiesWeRiot121 Oh and yes. That would be an honor!


@_8Death_The_Kid8_ k just give me the characters name their eye color their personality who they like who they are related to and describe what weapon or Meister they are And describe their childhood and how their life was before they became a weapon or Meister oh and describe what they look like please


hey, kid. i'm typing this for the millionth time, but hey, i'm looking for a friend of mine, that happens to fit your description. If you are the kid i know, name the other name i went by, and your top three bands that you like onto my profile. Thanks for your time.


@IfDarylDiesWeRiot121 Oh and yes. That would be an honor!


@_8Death_The_Kid8_ k just give me the characters name their eye color their personality who they like who they are related to and describe what weapon or Meister they are And describe their childhood and how their life was before they became a weapon or Meister oh and describe what they look like please