
66 followers in 2 weeks :DD
          	Thanks you all sooo much 


Since you and your sister are having a followers war,
          May i join in?-


Wait.....................you hve 966 followers..........................................................................................................


Sorry for the two-day late reply, I’ve been really inactive lately, but sure you can join. It’s just for fun though 


Wow 50 followers in 1 week, thanks guys :D:D


            dude-...H O W?
            I have been on here two weeks. In two weeks, you are gonna be at like 3k and like have everyone BOW DOWN  to the leader of wattpad


I already know a few things about you 
          1.You are reading this
          2. You are a human 
          3. You can’t say the letter P without separating your lips
          4. You just attempted to do it 
          6. You are Laughing at your self 
          7. You have a smile on your face and you skipped number 5 
          8. You just checked to see if there was a number 5 
          9. You are laughing at this because you fell for it and everyone else did too 
          10. Now copy and paste this to see who else falls for this too. 
          I fell for this XD