
Some bitch bros and non binary hoes. Lol I am hear to announce that I cam not dead. Story wise I will get to those chapters sometime because as u all know I'm small brain as I like to take on too much crap and then ignore my responsibility. So hi maybe I'll show up again and post a new chapter.


@_-Cecilia_Exorcist-_  wow I need spell check that looks so butchered


Some bitch bros and non binary hoes. Lol I am hear to announce that I cam not dead. Story wise I will get to those chapters sometime because as u all know I'm small brain as I like to take on too much crap and then ignore my responsibility. So hi maybe I'll show up again and post a new chapter.


@_-Cecilia_Exorcist-_  wow I need spell check that looks so butchered


Do you all remember when I actually updated *nervous laughter* So yeah I might do that no promises started to regret those classes..... 
          Anyway, I'm back no promises how long but I'm running on 5-6 hours of sleep, anxiety, and Disney music so ONWARD!!!! DONT UNDERESTIMATE A CRAZY TEENAGER!


Hello my lovelies ummm so I screw up......yeah so I pretty much sentenced myself to death as I a highschool kid have decided to take like 5 COLLEGE CLASSES *sigh* so I might be a but late in updates every once in awhile till I get my schedule fixed up........ okay I gotta finish this homework now bye!


Sup everyone. AND BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING I KNOW I HAVEN'T BEEN UPDATING! I have been super stressed this semester (mostly cuz my dumb self thought is was a good idea to take college classes in high school) but fear not I shall still try to update as much as I can I will probably be late on it.......