
Okay guys a new chapter for one of my stories should be up within the next 1-2 hours hopefully (if wattpad doesn't crash or anything), hope you will enjoy it byeeee my zoelings


GUYYYYYYYYYS I HAVE RETURNED FROM THE MAGICAL WORLD OF UNICORNS AND DEVILS TO CONTINUE MY STORIES BUT I NEED HELP!!!!!! I unfortunately still have writers block and would like for a happy few chapters instead of the darker ones so any suggestions would be nice 


@Zoeyagirl UHOH sounds like a whole lot of trouble!!


@oblivionrain  I'm glad you like my stories thank you! I was gone for multiple reasons really, my school work got really heavy as did my dance, I was in hospital for some time also but the main reason is writers block, I want to have some nice happy chapters but I'm a bit stuck :(


@Zoeyagirl I was just reading them, why were you gone so long? ( Also please update your Fanfiction.net fanfics, I'm absolutely in love with a few.)


Hi guys just want to say that my yogscast high story hasn't finished I will be adding more but I need some ideas please, I have encountered the mystical writers block *ahhh writers block, no ones been able to defeat him* (cookies for anyone who gets that)