
Hello everyone I hope you all are well. 
          	I'm thinking of picking up Goku and Midori-ko again for a short continuum of them being Destroyer and Angel. 
          	Let me know what you think and as always have a good day 


Good morning, afternoon or evening...I'm going back to my original idea for my Baulders Gate 3 fanfic. It's up and posted with two chapters so far. I'm looking for pictures that I like for the characters and will update accordingly. As always have a great day 


Hey there everyone... sorry I've been mia. There's been lots going on and I've been hyper focusing on Baulders Gate 3. 
          Thinking about doing a HalsinxOc at some point. 


@zoeismydogsname It is really great game❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


            I love playing dragon age origins
            I don’t like dragon age 2 I only playing for 20 minutes I couldn’t playing never more
            Dragon age inquisition was good 
            My favorite character was alistair❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@storytellergirl22 lol you sound like me I've played them all for hours and Alistair is my main favorite from Dragon Age too


As sad as it was to hear that you passed Toriyama sensei but you have to be watching over all of us Dragon Ball/ Dragon Quest/ Dr Slump etc fans because I had the worst anxiety over some really important stuff and didn't know how I was going to resolve it without digging myself further into a hole and by some miracle it was fixed by me asking a simple question I was too proud to ask yesterday. 
          Thank you for everything you ever did you were and still are an inspiration and will be severely missed. 


Hello everyone it's been a minute. Been busy with work and life blah blah.
          I was wondering something would you guys rather read about Goku Jr and Ichigo or perhaps Midori-ko and Goku's adventures as destroyer and angel? 


@Zoeismydogsname I would like both tbh. they both are just so cute!!!!


@Ultrainstinctgokuhop tbh I'm leaning towards the Goku and Midori-ko adventures I'm having a heck of a time with the Goku Jr story 


Hey everyone we got through our first week of the New Year...whew anyway. I'm working hard on the spin off of Goku and The Red Dragon with Goku Jr as the main character.
          I may add extra content to already written chapters of my Goku and Midori-ko story just cause I've been rereading it and it needs some extra stuff I didn't have time to add at the time. 
          Please let me know any suggestions for the extra content or the spin off and as always have a awesome day 


Hey everyone I just wanted to say thank you for reading my Goku and The Red Dragon story. 
          I never imagined I'd get this far with it.
          I'll include another chapter or so with some Dragon Ball GT stuff to wrap it up in a nice bow.  Let me know if you'd like to see something in the epilogue 
          Thank you all again. 


@m3rcuryyy aw thank you for coming along this journey with me. Dragon Ball is one of my favorites of all time and I wanted to do it justice. And as much as I love my Goku and Midori-ko story I needed to give a chance to end. Thank you again for sticking it out with me 


@Zoeismydogsname thank you for amazing story, it was certainly an adventure,,, easily one of the best db fanfics i read. a good end to goku and midoriko. are there any plans for some other potential db fanfic? possibly with some different setting, 
            or i totally understand if you want to continue with your other works, best wishes there as well 


Hey everyone I have a new chapter ready but Wattpad keeps crashing when I go to post. Trying to figure this out...any pointers would be awesome 
          I will post once the app lets me lol


@Zoeismydogsname yeah I've had to use my laptop for the last update. I'm super used to my phone though lol


@Zoeismydogsname Ever tried using wattpad on pc?