


Hey guys, sorry I've not posted much, everything's been so wild.
          First of all, in mid November, my depression got really bad, and it only continued to spiral in December & January. I'm seeing people for counselling to try make things better, and it's helping so far. It's why I haven't posted much though, because my mind's not been there.
          Secondly, university work's been taking up a lot of my time too, and honestly I want to put my academic career first. I'm a first year student in International Business and I want to proudly say I have a degree in this by summer 2022, and prioritising my studies is the right way to go.
          And lastly, there's been some massive news. I'm on this website called F1 Fan Voice, which is a forum for fans to discuss f1 civilly whilst offering some amazing prizes to fans who win certain competitions. In mid December, I uploaded a blog to the site called Zoë's Brief Guide To... Meeting The 2019 Grid! - where I recounted my experiences with every driver on the grid, to show them as not just as pr machines, but as genuinely nice guys who care for the fans! Now, I forgot at the time, but there was a competition going on, Best New Blog - October-December edition. Every blog posted between October 1st & December 31st stood a chance, the top 5 on likes alongside 2 wildcards would be chosen for the final shortlist, which was judged by Pat Symonds who chose the winner. At the end of the year, my blog was somehow 2nd on likes - people somehow really enjoyed it! - and I made it to the final 7! No news followed up for a while, until January 22nd, where I received a message in my F1 Fan Voice inbox - I had been chosen as winner! The competition had a huge prize as well, paddock passes for me & a guest to a grand prix weekend of my choice! I'm still a bit overwhelmed about this, but I can confirm me & dad will be going to the Italian Grand Prix in September, and we will be spending 3 days in the paddock there!
          So yeah, that's been my mini update for you


          Uni's been absolutely chaotic but I'm proud to announce, I have a new chapter of my Alex Albon fic, Message In A Bottle. It's a bit of a slow burn, but I promise you, things will start to progress a lot soon :)
          If you want to read, the link's here: https://www.wattpad.com/815448708-message-in-a-bottle-alex-albon-0-5


Also, I have something to share. This is a pretty mega thing for me, so I just want to announce it here on race weekend. 
          About a month ago I had the idea, to start a fans message book for Alex Albon, where I'd write everyone's messages in the book, and it would be sent to him for him to read. I organised it all through instagram with assistance from his lovely mother, and she helped me notify staff etc of delivery date to the factory (as I hand delivered it), and I rallied everyone to add messages for the book.
          Now, I handed that in on November 6th. On November 13th, I was just casually watching the tv, when suddenly this dm caught me by surprise... @alex_albon sent you a message
          I was thinking there was no way it was real, because why would I of all people be sent a message by Alexander freaking Albon, that thing just doesn't happen to people like me... or so I thought.
          Turns out, it was legit, and was a thank you message for the fans book (he got my insta from his mum I think!) - I'm still not over it and just wanted to share my total joy with you all. He also send me a bonus photograph too which was awesome. Thanks to @_thaimilktea & @altissimozucca for getting involved with this amazing project too, thanks for making Alex smile as much as he did in the photo he sent me <3
          Photographs can be found here: https://www.instagram.com/p/B40tTlXBNfB/


          I asked you guys a few days ago what you'd think of a new Alex Albon story, about a girl who wrote a message in a bottle, a message he'd eventually find. You guys all seemed interested, and I'm pleased to say, the first part is already online!! It's just an introduction to set the scene but still, the fic is now underway!!
          Title: Message In A Bottle // Alex Albon
          Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/204650320-message-in-a-bottle-alex-albon


I've got a bit of an idea for an Alex fic I'd love to start - the female protagonist leaves a message in a bottle in the ocean for fun, and Alex somehow ends up finding it years later by chance, contacts the girl, and somehow they grow closer until they meet, and realise maybe what they thought was a pull of friendship is actually so much more.
          How does this sound? Would any of you be interested in reading that?


@ ZoeDoesF1  YES