
Q&A chapter will be in my art book 


Bro thanks for liking the ghe story :) 


@Nikosthegreat1 bro you added it to your 'by my friends' reading list !thank you so much this means everything to me !


So here’s the thing. So people mix some things up with me and how I communicate so I am just going to try to clear some things up.
          If I don’t talk to you for a long period of time, it’s not because I hate you now and I don’t want to be friends with you anymore it’s most likely because I can get afraid to talk to some people and I’m not saying I’m scared of you I’m just saying I am really socially awkward and I can’t start a normal conversation properly. I will try to work on that in the future.
          Next. If I go from like kinda awkward in text and kinda silent to very talkative to you I just trust you a lot and I want to talk to you more and know more about you and stuff. But I would appreciate if people told me what makes them uncomfortable with me so I can fix that because it’s very easy for me to just stop doing something emotionally. 
          If I start off very talkative and then just go to very quiet I’m probably in a certain time where it’s kinda hard for me to communicate properly. Sometimes I block people out for their own good so I won’t ruin anything or hurt anybody.
          That’s all my stars. I am going to start working on communicating better because I am very terrible at it.
          I appreciate having all my friends with me since it’s hard for me to make them in irl and it’s an honor to have you all here. I just hope this can clear things up for people. I mean no harm to anyone when I do stuff. 
          That’s it for now stars bye bye 


@Zia_Starvinxy Okay! Thanks for saying this (I wanna say something but idk what to say-)


So I’m writing a short story for this competition. I hope you guys will like it. When it’s released later today 


@Zia_Starvinxy Oh, okay, thanks for letting me know :)))


I'm cheering you on !


Yk what hurts? When friends don’t trust me anymore. I don’t think they realize how much I want to help. It kind of hurts. That they don’t trust me as much as I trust them. It hurts me  more than a situation. Just let me help. I want to help. It hurts that you push me away. 
          It hurts. I want to cry. I want to scream. I want to die. Just let me die 


@Zia_Starvinxy you don't deserve to die. Its not your fault. They just don't realise how amazing you are 


@Zia_Starvinxy I don’t think it’s your fault nor theirs do don’t blame urself some people dont trust other easily and Im sure they appreciate that you’re trying to help them


@Zia_Starvinxy I understand completely, it happens to the best of us, and I won't let you die 


Man idgaf If I have to hunt the whole country down for a hot water bottle because these cramps will kill me




@Zia_Starvinxy bro hope u get better