
Lettori e lettrici, sto pubblicando la mia storia, una delle prime che decido di aprire al pubblico. Mi farebbe tanto piacere se la leggeste! Sarei lieta anche di rispondere ai vostri pareri o domande!❤️ Mi scuso per lo spam e grazie dell’attenzione !


Hey! Assalamu alaikum!
          Who watched the Korean series 'tomorrow'? I didn't know I had so many tears! But I am still watching it!!! 
          Anyways, have you checked out my new book yet? I wrote almost twenty chapters in Hausa. It's titled 'Hakki', but then I changed it to English, and I left the title as it is cox i can not find a good equivalent in English.  If your Hausa is more powerful than mine, please come and help me! Also, please check it outttt!!!!! Good night! 


@Zeeemibs I love the book already, thank you for always coming through with ur amazing plots. God bless