20 things about me:

1. My motto is "It goes on."
2. I love all things fantasy.
4. My favorite colours are green, blue, red, and yellow.
5. I'm Canadian (aka fabulicious).
6. I have seen an eagle floating on an iceberg before (It was pretty awesome, I got a picture).
7. Assassins, magic, dragons, elves, and swords are all awesome.
8. My user name is pronounced Za-my-rah-fire, I came up with it with some help from my friend.
9. My least favorite genres are romance, crime, and racing (not sure if that's a genre, but they're the ones where shifting gears takes up an entire paragraph)
10. I can't stand babies.
11. My favorite scents are mint, citrus, and fiberglass resin.
12. I try not to watch movies based off of books because they always suck if you've read the book *cough*PercyJacksonandtheOlympians*coughcough*
13. Even if a book has most of the aspects I like (see #'s 2 & 7), I won't read it if it has bad writing, stupid characters, or a ton of stupid clichés.
14. I love all creatures, real or fictional.
15. I am extremely sympathetic. I try to be compassionate when I can.
16. Armadillos freak me out because of a weird Bambi dream I had.
17. I love stereotypical jokes that apply to me.
18. I can negotiate on the phone, turn off alarm clocks, and piss people off in my sleep.
19. I don't like chocolate or peanut butter.
20. I think marriage is stupid and unnecessary.
21. I don't like boundaries ;P
22. Scratch that, that sounds weird...
23. I get off track a little too easily
24. I like this quote: Haters gonna hate potatoes gonna potate. Don't be a potater.
  • Alert Bay, British Columbia
  • JoinedMarch 15, 2014

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