
Yall it's like two more weeks till the fnaf movie comes out!!! I'm gonna die waiting. I love fnaf and I'm like Matthew lillards #1 fan so they put two of my most favorite things together like...  THANK YOU BLUMHOUSE!!!!! ❤️


Yall it's like two more weeks till the fnaf movie comes out!!! I'm gonna die waiting. I love fnaf and I'm like Matthew lillards #1 fan so they put two of my most favorite things together like...  THANK YOU BLUMHOUSE!!!!! ❤️


I have a crush on a guy and we've had beef with each other since like kindergarten and we're in grade 11 now. Idk if I ruined any chance of him liking me but I was a total ass to him for like 11 years and I'm just now starting to realize he a really good and cute guy. Idk what to do. Can someone help?


@Spookypitch thanks. He has that whole wanna be cool doesn't care about anybody attitude but I can see through it. That always pissed me off but now I'm starting to realize he just acts like that to come across as tuff. He's a bit of a doosh to his friends but my friend is friends with him and she said he's like the nicest guy ever. I'm homeschooling currently and i see him like once or twice a month so it's kinda hard to get him alone. But I can try. Thank you


@ Spookypitch  so i met a guy once and immediately we didn't like eachother and we would always fight. But soon enough he fell for me and i for him. Even though nothing more happened between us and it was all a big mistake for a lot of reasons, we were talking for a long time so ill tell you how we transitioned literally from enemies to lovers. So he made the first move and texted me in a more friendly way than usual and I caught it and said it was all good between us. And it was very wierd cause it was a conversation only between us. We would continue to fight but it was more in a way where we both knew noone was actually mad and we were just teasing eachother. Although to others it looked like we were gonna kill eachother. 
            So with all this in mind, first of all if you find yourself in a position where it's suitable for you to be a bit more sweet and friendly, (when you two are alone), you can tell him that you actually think his a nice guy and see how he reacts. Then you can continue acting the way you did but when you talk, make it look like you joking/teasing/flirting more than trying to argue. Of course I dont know anything about your current relationship but i hope i helped a bit. Then if he likes you I think you'll be able to tell, because when your behaviour will change, he will act differently too in some way. But I think its very important to get to talk with him when you are alone. Even if it is in person or online


Yall ever just look up at the stars and start crying ? Honest question 


@ Spookypitch  every night, I leave my window open too so that im bathed in moonlight


@Surrenders13525  they are just so pretty it's unbelievable to me. Also makes me feel better to actually see how small my 'big' problems are


When I wan in a wheelchair. Yes 