▎BE BACK LATER.


"well,, zodiaverse is only a game but we need to survive so we can get back into the real life,, each week we have different activities to be played more like a level,, currently the other players are now in level 2 since it's the second week here in zodiaverse,, everyday we have an activity which it can earn us points that can be displayed in the scoreboard, and we can interact with other players and enjoy the game as we stay here" haina explained to him and smiled. 


she's walking in the garden with a book she just  borrowed in the library earlier. when she found a bench, she's  about to walk towards the bench so that she can start reading the book but then she stopped walking when she saw a lad just sat on there, breathing heavily. 
          'is he okay?' she thought. she decided to approached him, asking him if he's okay, but then it was a wrong move. the lad just startled because of her unexpected presence.
          "do you think i'll act like this if im not?'' he said making her to be guilty because of her actions.  
          autumn decided to sat beside him, waiting for him to calm down. as soon as he calm down, she asked him if he's now okay. 
          the lad just stretched his arms as he introduced himself to her. "hello, im jarvis stark. what is your name?" he asked.
          she accepted and do a handshake with you. "a pleasure to meet you, jarvis. the name is autumn florence" she introduced 


i accepted your handshake. "carbon. carbon the baker." i formally introduced then later on, i laughed. "geez, i really don't take introductions seriously, i'm sorry." i apologized. "but yeah, it was nice meeting you jarvis! ah! i almost forgot." i took my backpack behind me and took out a piece of muffin. "can you perhaps do me a favor? i wanted to know what my muffin tasted like." i excitingly said while offering a muffin to you. "you know, i don't trust my taste buds hehe." i added.


" i'm very sorry,, for startling you" haina exclaimed and smiled at him, "nice to meet you jarvis, mine is haina shinwanyi kho, just call me haina" haina introduces herself and beams a smile at the lad. 
          "you seems to look new here?, welcome to zodiaverse btw" she said and smiled. 


( starter )
          derun sits down next to the window as if his energy had evaporated. he stared into space, looking out the window. the window is wide open, the sun is at the end of its shift, silently stealing down towards the horizon like a balloon that had lost its air. the colors of neon lights took over the futuristic city, the white curtains are colored neon blue, the sea and the sand must be too, and the trees outside play their jellyfish shadows on the ground. his hand looks like a clutter of weird neon tattoos.
          "the sea couldn't be that far," derun spoke softly, staring at his hand as he grasped the thin air. "i must meet that friend." he gritted his teeth, fishing his phone out as the zodiacus beta app opened itself immediately, exposing a picture of a huge marine mammal with three question marks atop its head. the lad stood up from his seat, barging out of the room with hurry as he felt the need to meet the 'friend' as soon as he could. it felt like some of his questions would be answered, derun would gladly take the risk even if means nothing.
          his heart is pounding in his ribcage and his hands are sweating. he swallowed twice. derun pushes his way through the flocks of bird eating on the ground towards the end, where he could finally see and smell the salt coming from the sea. he felt apologetic for the birds and promised himself to fed them next time he'd see them, his head held down as he only kept running—unaware that he had unfortunately bumped into another zodiac that made both of them stumbled down. "i-i'm sorry!" derun blurted out, biting his lower lip.