Hey Guys its been a while seen ive written or posted anything i just got so caught up in school and work that most days i just want to relax and read. I am reorganizing my plans for some of my unfinished stories so that when I get the time I can go back and update and continue where I left off 
          	That said I recently became a Brand Ambassador for the new swimwear line so if your looking for a new bathing suit check at the website the link is below and use the coupon code Camilariva20 to get 20% off your purchase. 


Hey Guys its been a while seen ive written or posted anything i just got so caught up in school and work that most days i just want to relax and read. I am reorganizing my plans for some of my unfinished stories so that when I get the time I can go back and update and continue where I left off 
          That said I recently became a Brand Ambassador for the new swimwear line so if your looking for a new bathing suit check at the website the link is below and use the coupon code Camilariva20 to get 20% off your purchase. 


Hi, from your profile I can see we have loads in common! Including our love of Twilight <3 I was wondering if you'd like to read my novel: From Dusk Till Daylight. It is fanfiction (although I use the word lightly)...It's similar to some fanfiction you'll read but if you're a Twilight fan desperate for an epic ending to a life changing saga, you should read it! I promise you won't be disappointed :P