
Yoooooo how are my babies doing? 
          	I have been feeling the best I could ever feel the past weeks and I am truly happy!
          	But I am still so stressed with school I swear it doesn't ever end
          	I'll be done with school next April tho! Yayyyyy 
          	Nvm university is still on
          	I wanted to upload it to my book but I am still too busy to do a thing
          	There are many situations I want to write about and it gets more and more with every second that I am alive
          	Anyways remember I love you guys and always make sure you drink and eat enough
          	You deserve the world baby


@cgormley4 i love u too thanks bebe


@ZDHisMine i love youuuuuuuu. and you also need to eat and drink lots of water so remember to! you deserve it, and you are gorgeous.


Yoooooo how are my babies doing? 
          I have been feeling the best I could ever feel the past weeks and I am truly happy!
          But I am still so stressed with school I swear it doesn't ever end
          I'll be done with school next April tho! Yayyyyy 
          Nvm university is still on
          I wanted to upload it to my book but I am still too busy to do a thing
          There are many situations I want to write about and it gets more and more with every second that I am alive
          Anyways remember I love you guys and always make sure you drink and eat enough
          You deserve the world baby


@cgormley4 i love u too thanks bebe


@ZDHisMine i love youuuuuuuu. and you also need to eat and drink lots of water so remember to! you deserve it, and you are gorgeous.


          ❤️A very happy 16th birthday to you my Lilia baby.
          Keep smiling
          Sending you loads of love today ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@lemon_roses babyyyy you are too sweet. Thank you my sweet lemon 
            Wishing you a great day love


Ayyy my babies how is life these days?
          I have been really stressed and I still am. I have two tests tomorrow, one in chemistry and one in physics, and today I had a presentation in French. But hey i got an A+ on it 
          I just wanted to take some time today to check on you guys and to talk to you. I want to reply to everyone who sent me something and I even might update my story who knows?
          Anyways my birthday is coming up soon and I am so excited! On Thursday will be the day where I bake a cake and enjoy a fantastic day with a huge dance party on my own. Look I don't like parties with people because
          First: if I invite a bunch of people I know, they will bring their friends too and then I'll just have an enormous party with people I don't even know and I wouldn't enjoy that
          Secondly: I'd have to clean everything up on my own and ain't that a horrible birthday present?
          Third: I can't dance, bro I am a boxer what do you expect. I am great at punching people but dancing is not one of my strengths. So if I were to dance in front of people, I would probably end up as a meme somewhere over the rainbow.


@ZDHisMine yeah, this time science (here we have a combined exam of Bio, Chem and Phy) has been my worst subject till now


@PakhiBaranwal ots okay. Its my worst grade for this Semesters summary tho, i am on a b-


@ZDHisMine how do u manage the subject Chemistry...... it's the worst! 
            Ha ha... It's completely okay not to know how to dance... I'd literally break a leg if I tried


I need to share something with you guys.
          My sister came into my room today and saw that I am still studying. I don't think I left my room at all today, I am exhausted and hungry. So when she came in I must have looked at her in a weird way and I straight up told her she should get me some snacks. I constantly do stuff for her, so it would be only for if she did the favor back.
          She actually did bring me some food, but she put it on the ground far away from me, but I could still see it. She left right away. So I had to get up and get it myself. A second later I found myself googling 'how to manifest telekinesis'
          I tried for two minutes straight and read on wikihow but it didn't work.i had to get up anyway.
          If you ever feel demotivated, remember this.
          Hugs n kisses
          Lilia :)


I totally feel you sis
            Sometimes I feel like my sister is a little devil. Scratch the little.
            Once, when she was younger she lost a game against me, but she couldn't handle it. She just straight up bit me in my shoulder. The problem? Her canine tooth actually entered my skin and it started bleeding really bad. I still have a scar from that day.
            I actually do not believe in magic, but i do in movies ;)
            But yesterday I was too lazy to move and I was extremely exhausted so I didn't want to stand up. The candy had to get to me....


I too have little siblings who do irritating stuff and occasionally try to activate my dormant telekinesis skills (¯―¯٥)


Isn't she lovely, my little sister?


Hey thx for the follow back luv :D


@ZiziRobi15 of course girl, you deserve it <3


@ZDHisMine Aw it’s no problem and thank you for the compliment Lilia ヾ(≧∇≦*)ヾ


@ZiziRobi15 Girl, I feel so bad, I found out about you like a second ago... 
            I usually try to follow back people if I vibe with them, and I remember reading your bio.  I think I forgot to follow you back because your bio is so amazing it blew my mind