
Hello Guys
          	Did you hear the song that each quint VA made for the quints its stress reliever hehe while im on online class i only listened to it im bored listening on the letcures specially when the subject si cookery i didnt like cookery if only my school had an ICT im not studying about cooking.... 
          	About the Updates on My story well im not gonna update for a while school works as always hehe maybe in the next 2 weeks or 1 weeks ill update if i have an free time so thats it See you....


Hello Guys
          Did you hear the song that each quint VA made for the quints its stress reliever hehe while im on online class i only listened to it im bored listening on the letcures specially when the subject si cookery i didnt like cookery if only my school had an ICT im not studying about cooking.... 
          About the Updates on My story well im not gonna update for a while school works as always hehe maybe in the next 2 weeks or 1 weeks ill update if i have an free time so thats it See you....


Hey guys wazzup  im thinking im gonna update the story on saturday thats my only free time
          and recently we're on 3rd quarter now if there's no performance task will be held on my school maybe i'll update my stories more often well if you bored waiting for my stories to update and you like Quintessensial Quintuplets read this https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13825397/0 you dont have to worry about it update because its update daily/everyday so i suggest you to read and support this hehe.
          of you just wondering what my personality so here its:
          I hate socializing
          Well I am weeb obviously
          And my Favorite anime all of time is:
          Quintessensial Quintuplets
          Jujustu kaisen
          Karakai Jouzo no takagi san
          I dont like Yaoi and yuri stuffs haha its not that i hate it, it is because im a straight person i only like my opposite gender thats all 
          So if you just wondering so there's my answers.I will promise to my readers that i will update my story by Saturday thats the exact day Pacific time so if you live in other continent maybe it will be late or early for you.
          well so thats it Bye Peace Out....


Well Hello guys i may not post this whole 2-3 weeks because of school well here some clue on the next chapter of my Main Story
          ..-. --- .-. --. .. ...- . -. . ... ...
          And in my other stories the next one i will make is Yotsuba 
          so thats it all and see you after 2-3 weeks Pla forgive me if i cant post daily or weekly Peace Out!!!!!!


Hello guys if your waiting for some new chapters of my story it may take a while my school works is fully loaded and its pretty stupid... Im just in jr high im 3rd year (I know no one ask just introducing myself) i go to public school i dont like being in an private school i dont fit in there i dont like the way people do. their and im helping my parents saving up for my college.
          About the stories im thinking if i do another story of course it Gotoubun no Hanayome
          i dont want to make stories about My life because my life is pretty stupid i got rejected when im An 2nd year Jr high and i hate socializing IRL so i must preffer to make some fanfics and back to the story i will make maybe i do an one shots
          well thats it if you finish  reading this well thank you hahaha i know its not worth tour time and its kinda stupid but this is my way on making these dont complain... Well thats all Peace out!!!