Hi, there friend. You might want to read this. Thanks a lot.
          Title: Time Beyond A Dream
          Genre: Fantasy Adventure Romance
          Author: Cellica
          "What if you could wake up in your dreams and experience out your wildest fantasies, every night? What would you do?"
          Catherine wishes all her dreams were just like those that everyone experiences. Yet, her dreams were unnatural. Her dreams weren't rainbow and sunshine, however, her dreams became her reality. After all, she was a descendant of the first Mark. The bridge of the Land of Nod, and the Keeper of the Prophecy coins.
          But everyone she loves could be gone in a minute, and she dreaded it, that's why she'd concealed it. Nobody realized that she was the offspring of fire. Yet, Catherine was beyond wretched, how they played her, how she was a pawn. It crushed her faith, lies were told.


@CELLICABORA lmao yeah now I do


@Nato0Uih Hello, thank you very much for reading and voting on my story QT: Against My Will!  
          (灬º‿º灬)♡ Especially your comments, I enjoyed reading them. (≧▽≦)


@ChubbyLiv you're welcome lol(๑•﹏•)well you're a great author..