
this message may be offensive
Hey gang.
          	Do people still wanna read my shit?


Not that anyone reads these, but just incase. I hit a rough patch recently. My great nan died and i took it hard. I’ve been struggling, so to say.  I don’t have the energy to write anything good enough to post; i don’t even have the energy to write the book i want to publish- professionally. I’m sorry, it’s taken a long time and that wasn’t the plan but hopefully soon i can write something. I’m going to try tonight, sort my head out and get something down good enough to show people- but please be patient with me. 
          - YourLocalBookGirl (EE)


@Strangehamstergirl  Thank you. Writing is a pass time for me, a break from everything. If i didn’t, i’d feel like i was betraying myself. I’ll never feel pressure to write, i’ll only ever feel that there aren’t enough words left for me to say.
            But still, thank you. Sometimes a little love is all we need.
            - YourLocalBookGirl 


@YourLocalBookGirl I know this is late but I havent been on wattpad for a while. Just want to send you some love❤❤ and let you know that there is no pressure to do anything you dont feel able or wanting to do:)