
I knew that getting someone's love is not easy but I never thought that It must be so painful to not get love, but Let's accept for a moment that maybe we are the only ones at fault, but then feels very bad when you like someone and he tells you that "im sorry for wasting your time"


Attention, Wattpad users! Are you new to Wattpad and in need of a bio? Do you want to give your profile a new aesthetic? Do you want your followers to know more about you? Are you wanting to enter into an account contest?
          Then this shop from the Rose Gold
          Community (@Rose-Gold _Community) is for you!
          The Rose Gold Community has published a bio shop called Relucir. In it, they have plenty of amazing and talented bio designers to bring your profile to the next level. So if you need a new bio, these skilled designers will help you out! Go ahead and check out the Relucir bio shop now!


I knew that getting someone's love is not easy but I never thought that It must be so painful to not get love, but Let's accept for a moment that maybe we are the only ones at fault, but then feels very bad when you like someone and he tells you that "im sorry for wasting your time"