
Ummm okay guys scratch everything I’ve said before I will continue tmh but not right now. I have an idea but I need y’all’s opinions…. PLEASE TELL ME I’m planning on making an instagram account that’s not family followed lol but what content should I make? And would you follow me? I don’t think I’m ready for a TikTok account lol


Ummm okay guys scratch everything I’ve said before I will continue tmh but not right now. I have an idea but I need y’all’s opinions…. PLEASE TELL ME I’m planning on making an instagram account that’s not family followed lol but what content should I make? And would you follow me? I don’t think I’m ready for a TikTok account lol


I’m so ughhhhh rn cuz I’m having trouble with my Fafsa form and if I’m not able to submit it then I might have to drop out of college cuz I don’t have money and my parents either I can’t be in debt for the rest of my life ughhhhhh I hate life so much 


@WhatAtinyWorld ofcccc✨ as of rn I’m still the same but maybe there’s hope lol at least this years summer classes are good


@YeriStz Seriously?! Oh my goodness :(( that's a mess... Please keep me/us updated?


@WhatAtinyWorld I’ve been trying for like two weeks now but when I call they don’t ever answer not even the live chat thing I’m so stressed cuz where am I gonna get money from:((


I can’t believe I’ve been gone for so long!!!! I am working on a chapter right now buttttttttt I’m trying to be active again on here it’s finals and I have missing work lol also to make matters worse I got so sick for two weeks almost three I am much better right now but I just wanted to apologize!! <3333


ummm.... how do I improve my writing!?!?!?!
          I write too little, my chapters are always short im technically done with chapter 4 but I need to start on chapter 5 before publishing it lol. but yeah I struggling here rn   >_<


@pineapple_joong hi sorry I’ve been busy with school but thank you for the advice I’ll keep that in mind<33


@YeriStz i’m very late to this question but I pay attention to other people’s work, analyze how they transitioned sentences and when they cut off paragraphs. then of course I take what I saw and make it in my own style, it doesn’t matter if it’s too short or your chapters are too little. if you need more help I can try and help but I found that analyzing other people’s work helps me <3


Why does it say my last message was offensive...?


@YeriStz yea it does that for comments too but it’s not a bad thing cuz sometimes it doesn’t say offensive even when u say like bitch, but ur fineee :)


@certified_atiny ohhhhh makes sense lol gotta make sure not to cuss next time :(


this message may be offensive
guyssss ik no one gives a shit but I will start putting TW under the chapters for TMH I feel like it might be disturbing to some but also I have been feeling so shitty today I keep slipping and its making it hard for me to write chapter 3 but im trying especially since I barely have time now to if you get notifications about TMH its mostly the TWs  ( I have a little friend and she was slippy today so it triggered it for me as well and ive been in school all day)