Hi guys how are you.  I hope you are well. I am just getting started on here and I have had lots of backlog to take care of. I have given for you some of my pages for you to look at. 

Facebook: Yasmine Jameson http://www.facebook.com/yasmine.jameson

Twitter: @ Madam_Mystery

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/YasmineJameson

Website: Murder on My Mind http://www.yasminejameson.wordpress.com

Hope these give you a little bit about me to look at and enjoy. Hope that you buy my poetry book off of Smashwords for $.99 and enjoy the read. It is an ebook. It will hopefully be on sale at Amazon, and Barnes and Noble soon. You may also be able to pre-order it and it may come out in soft cover as well.

A little more: I am heading towards the middle of my life by way of the beginning. I am learning more about myself as time goes on. In fact, I have to say that some of the television shows I watch actually give me heart because according to those and the psych books I read I am somewhat normal. Thanks for that right? But I am not sure if this helps you see me or learn who I am as a writer. Read what I wrote for that.

Starting off with the first story Layla and John. Second Installment due this weekend. Third to follow after that. Short story.

And then we shall see more.
  • Rahway, New Jersey
  • JoinedAugust 30, 2013