
I truly miss you, Declan. ( @FaZe-Banks ). 
          	These days have been going by painfully slow since you've left and it's hard to believe that it's already been a whole month and a half, almost two. I'm starting to lose my wisdom over everything that's happened for these past three years. Starting to lose myself too. 
          	I'm so drained from all of the physical, and psychological pain that it's brought upon me and everyone else. I cannot fathom what you were going through, but I can't help but ask why you never said anything or told anyone... Or got the help you needed.
          	At times, I'll be sitting on the couch watching a show and then I'll look to my right as if to say something to you, but you're never in your spot anymore. It's just empty. About as empty as these words are because you're never going to see them, or read them. 
          	I hope they're treating you good, and that you are finally, truly happy wherever you are. Until I see you again, dude... Remember, you're the most beautiful white butterfly my eyes have ever graced. 
          	I love you.


I truly miss you, Declan. ( @FaZe-Banks ). 
          These days have been going by painfully slow since you've left and it's hard to believe that it's already been a whole month and a half, almost two. I'm starting to lose my wisdom over everything that's happened for these past three years. Starting to lose myself too. 
          I'm so drained from all of the physical, and psychological pain that it's brought upon me and everyone else. I cannot fathom what you were going through, but I can't help but ask why you never said anything or told anyone... Or got the help you needed.
          At times, I'll be sitting on the couch watching a show and then I'll look to my right as if to say something to you, but you're never in your spot anymore. It's just empty. About as empty as these words are because you're never going to see them, or read them. 
          I hope they're treating you good, and that you are finally, truly happy wherever you are. Until I see you again, dude... Remember, you're the most beautiful white butterfly my eyes have ever graced. 
          I love you.


Wound myself back in to the hospital again. Another car decided to side swipe me while I was driving through an intersection on a green light. The person was turning right and she hesitated too much. Gladly, I slowed down enough, but I still flew over the hood of her car. 
          I'm staying off my bike for awhile after this one. I need to stop getting hit like a bowling pin.


@blazify @FaZe_Teeqo Thank you! Definitely trading it in if it's cursed, lol.


that bike is cursed dude. good to hear you're okay ❤️


            Get well soon, Glad you are okay overall :)



I know I have never met you really before, but I heard about what has happened. And I am so, so sorry. I can see that you have touched the heart of so many here and it breaks my heart to here about how much pain you are and were in. I hope to every good thing in this god forsaken world that you make it through this and that you come back to everyone. We love you so very much and you are so important to everyone here. You can make it through this. I know you can. And we will be here for you, no matter what and no matter how long it takes. 
          Stay Strong and Stay Hella Fly <3


@YahBoiAdapt <3 If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you.


I never really got to know the real you behind Adapt, if that makes sense. & to find out what happened fkn sucks bro. I'm wishing you the speediest recovery & sending good vibes your way. "Deep breath, positive thoughts -- we got this." FaZe tf up bro & hold on tight. love you man ❤️


I'm here for you if you ever need to talk yo. message me & I'll forward you my contact info. stay strong m8.


Hey, I know we stopped talking and all, but I still wish you the best.
          I caught word that you're in the hospital right now, And I just hope that everything goes smoothly and that you make a nice recovery. You deserve at least that.
          It's also been said a couple times already, but we're all here for you man. Your friends, your family, even the squad. We've all still got your back, man.
          I hope you get better soon.