
this message may be offensive
          	Fucking HELL my school is a fucking dictatorship. Phones will be prohibited next year??? THIS SCHOOL FUCKING SUCKS??? I’m gonna rebel so hard istg fucking watch me. And I’m not the kinda guy to rebel. But this, THIS, is ridiculous. You can’t even use them during break next year. FUCKING ASSHATS I’M GONNA DO IT FUCKING ANYWAY. FUCK YOU. Dictatorship ass. 
          	And I have no one to rant to because then suddenly I’m “overreacting” and I “should stop being addicted to my phone” PERISH??? I use this thing to fucking listen to music you fucking fuckfaces. Fucking dictators. Thank god next year is my last year because fuck this school sucks harder and harder with each fucking rule they add I swear to the universe above. I don’t care if I get kicked out, I’m going to keep using my phone. I wanna listen to music in PEACE you pieces of absolute horseshit. WHAT IF MY PARTNER IS SICK, HUH?? My friend is gonna leave school this year, so my partner is the only person I can rely on. If they aren’t at school I WOULD use my phone and just listen to music, BUT NOOOOOO now I won’t be able to, so I’ll have to sit and wait til the fucking break is over because I’m too scared to talk to other people. SERIOUSLY. This rule sucks. I’m not gonna follow it. End of discussion. They’re gonna see me become my 13 year old self again istg. 
          	Okay I’m done. I’m just pissed about this stupid rule. LikeBITCH, I’m almost 18, A LOT OF US are almost 18 and fucking adults. Why treat us like children and fucking tell us to not use our phones? Fuckfaces. “You’ll get used to it” FUCK OFF. I’m not gonna get used to a shitty rule that’s not even necessary in the first place. 
          	Okay maybe I am addicted, thinking of it. Eh whatever. 
          	So how are y’all doing? I’m pissed. And hormonal. I think that’s another reason why I’m more pissed than usual. 


@YTCat123 you were allowed to have phones? If your teacher saw even a phone in your pocket you would get written up


If you think that's bad, in my school they don't allow ANY type of watch TF AM I SUPPOSED TO DO. Honestly it's fine to be rebellious sometimes.


I kinda wanna make this rant a copypaste LMAOO I really was pissy


hii so I can't find the invite to your discord  I used to be in it and left bc I got too nervous to interact with anyone anymore but I miss it's community. Could I possibly get the invite/know where the invite is? If not, it's fine! 


this message may be offensive
          Fucking HELL my school is a fucking dictatorship. Phones will be prohibited next year??? THIS SCHOOL FUCKING SUCKS??? I’m gonna rebel so hard istg fucking watch me. And I’m not the kinda guy to rebel. But this, THIS, is ridiculous. You can’t even use them during break next year. FUCKING ASSHATS I’M GONNA DO IT FUCKING ANYWAY. FUCK YOU. Dictatorship ass. 
          And I have no one to rant to because then suddenly I’m “overreacting” and I “should stop being addicted to my phone” PERISH??? I use this thing to fucking listen to music you fucking fuckfaces. Fucking dictators. Thank god next year is my last year because fuck this school sucks harder and harder with each fucking rule they add I swear to the universe above. I don’t care if I get kicked out, I’m going to keep using my phone. I wanna listen to music in PEACE you pieces of absolute horseshit. WHAT IF MY PARTNER IS SICK, HUH?? My friend is gonna leave school this year, so my partner is the only person I can rely on. If they aren’t at school I WOULD use my phone and just listen to music, BUT NOOOOOO now I won’t be able to, so I’ll have to sit and wait til the fucking break is over because I’m too scared to talk to other people. SERIOUSLY. This rule sucks. I’m not gonna follow it. End of discussion. They’re gonna see me become my 13 year old self again istg. 
          Okay I’m done. I’m just pissed about this stupid rule. LikeBITCH, I’m almost 18, A LOT OF US are almost 18 and fucking adults. Why treat us like children and fucking tell us to not use our phones? Fuckfaces. “You’ll get used to it” FUCK OFF. I’m not gonna get used to a shitty rule that’s not even necessary in the first place. 
          Okay maybe I am addicted, thinking of it. Eh whatever. 
          So how are y’all doing? I’m pissed. And hormonal. I think that’s another reason why I’m more pissed than usual. 


@YTCat123 you were allowed to have phones? If your teacher saw even a phone in your pocket you would get written up


If you think that's bad, in my school they don't allow ANY type of watch TF AM I SUPPOSED TO DO. Honestly it's fine to be rebellious sometimes.


I kinda wanna make this rant a copypaste LMAOO I really was pissy


My partner just came out as ace…
          Time to teach them about world domination


Eh what the hell why not all of em


No wait. Cats.


have u seen inside out 2 yet??


@YTCat123 OML RIP its so cute tho, I think you'll like it :D


@Echostaroflightclan no the fuckin release date is 17TH of July here in the Netherlands


Hey Taco yesterday is National Best Friends Day don't you remember?


@GolfyBall123 ??????????????????????????????????


@Demaaly yk what I will send you 10, I robbed Bullfrog the other day so I have some left


@ GolfyBall123  Damn alright but can you add an extra baguette for compensation then


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!!!VENT!!! (Imma start announcing when I post a vent or rant from now on)
          Accidentally hurting my partner hurts more than someone hurting me tbh.
          I made a joke and apparently that hit her harder than intended. She’s pretty sensitive too. I didn’t know she wouldn’t like that joke, as I just said it in all good fun and then went to bed. When I woke up the next morning and went on my phone she had sent me messages about how she was upset at that joke and explaining why. I apologized and she forgave me and thanked me for trying my best, as she understood that I must’ve not known. But I still feel so fucking bad. I want to NOT hurt my partner. I want to make our relationship the opposite of what me and my ex had. And that’s why hurting her feels so fucking bad, even if it’s on accident. My ex often hurt and disrespected me on purpose and I don’t wanna be like that for her. I love her so much and I honestly wonder how and why she hasn’t left me yet even though I don’t know what I’m doing 99% of the time. 
          Okay that’s all I had to vent about. I know I’ll be okay again, and so will she, but I just had to get it off my system. I’m just scared she will leave me because I managed to ruin us in some stupid way. 
          Welp I hope y’all are in good spirits at least. 


@YTCat123 I'm so sorry, hope you feel better :(


Apparently Alex Hirsh made a book called “The book of Bill” I am SO gonna get that book. I finally know what I want for my 18th bday yall




@yourfriendonline it’s about Bill Cipher lol, written by Bill Cipher. It has things about the Pines family, how to cheat death, lost 3rd journal pages, stuff like that. According to the description I read about it on Disney books. It’s not out though.


I wanna cry I love my partner so much. We were walking and talking about how I have small hands. I then said that I can reach the bottom of a pringles can and she said “best girlfriend- boyfriend” quickly correcting himself (she uses both she and he and also both the name Emby and Yannick cuz he’s plural and gender-fluid) and also apologizing a bunch of times ILYSMMMM ISTGGG he cares so much more about my pronouns than Hugo (my ex) and it makes me so happy!!
          Anygays how are y’all? I’m good!!


@YTCat123 I'm so jelly >:(
            I want this kind of relationship T^T


@YTCat123 awww thats the sweetest thing i've heard in my life man y'all are gonna give me diabetes /pos


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I got myself a suit for school prom and HOLY HOT DAMN I LOOK DAPPER!! I can finally cross “wearing a suit or something similar” off my bucket list :D
          Also GENDER! GENDEERRRRR!!!!!! I look so masc in that suit I just couldn’t help but happy stim and hop even with my back/headache (which I literally had to stay home for from school) which was apparently from dehydration. Whoops. I have to drink wayyyy more water gah damn. Welp stay hydrated or you’ll suffer horrible head and back pain (trust). 
          Anygays how are y’all doing? I’m good. I love my gender. I love my suit. 
          Damn suit just autocorrected to shit LMAOOO


@YTCat123 oh my god that's so cool :D All I really have rn is my Tally Hall fit lol 


            *insert crying and struggling sounds*
            I'm good ty :3