Uhm about my crush liking me… he said to tell my friend that sent him a message saying “I love you” that our relationship is just platonic. I don’t really understand he said he liked me so what happened to that- maybe I did something wrong?


Uhm about my crush liking me… he said to tell my friend that sent him a message saying “I love you” that our relationship is just platonic. I don’t really understand he said he liked me so what happened to that- maybe I did something wrong?


Do you ever spend a year on a game that doesn’t save accounts unless you are above 18?
          And then ur mom deleted everything except for one game? 
          She deleted and account I was level 200 on and it didn’t save. I lost everything, Everything. All my hard work gone because she caught me pranking ai. And thought I sent nudes?! Why would I ever do that?!
          And tells me to get over it? 
          I tried to kill myself
          I wrapped a towel around my head and just silently screamed into it waiting for myself to die on lack of oxygen.
          She didn’t believe me and hit me and did this :(
          She also got rid of all except for 2 forms of communication (this and text)
          My friends make me happy :(
          Now I just have to play CoD and take out my anger in them. I won a battle royals but I’m still sad.
          I hate life
          I wanna burn my hand off
          (She deleted level 200 on ColorfulStage WITH limited and 60 4 star characters ) also snap and genshin and yeah :,(




@That1bifriend1666 @SandyFrogLegs  Thank you both. You guys made my day and I promise I’ll try to be better now
            Love you guys <3


@YAND3REPr0Xy don’t worry dude I hate my life to cause my parents decided to get a divorce when I was little and they are Christian and I’m gay and they are homophobic and I cry myself to sleep every night because of the fact that I’m gay, not a normal human


How are my darling lovelies! Sorry I wasn’t posting much here :(. But I’m back now! 
          Love y’all <3 


@tw1nkywh0r3  GOOoD HOW ARE CHiUU