Did you know that hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is the Phobia of long words! Its also the longest word in the english Dictionary! How funny is that!

Sorry wanted to open my profile in a different way! :D
Anyway! Hi guys im Witney (nick name wito). Im in high school and LOVE being a teenager! Being a normal teen i am in love with my music! Im the biggest fan of Paramore! Im just in love with them :) I like taking photos! I like writing! Im a big sucker for boys from books! You know the quote "because boys in books are just better". Best quote EVER!!! :D And i'm also a Christian!! wooooooooooo *laughs*

The Most random things about me:
1 Im usually the person crying of laugher in the shopping centre or the person who wears bright bright pink tights to school (true story).
2 I love Harry Potter's AVPM and AVPS! Totally AWESOME!!
3 Playing the Piano and singing is how i let out my emotions :D
4 Im in love with Glee and Merlin!
5 I HATE it when the dog eats my undies

Wana chat to me? Contact me at witorocks@hotmail.com


“I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about.”

There are many reasons why novelists write – but they all have one thing in common: a need to create an alternative world.

No one is able to enjoy such feast than the one who throws a party in his own mind.

The knowledge can get you from A to B but imagination can take you anywhere!

"Oh my God. A kind word from Rose Hathaway, I can die a happy man." Adrian
"What are you saying that I'm normally an ungrateful bi*ch." silence "Hey! Not cool." -Rose, Shadow Kiss

What i say in an entire paragraph you can say in three words... I love you

Sometimes when people say i love you it really means 'i want to get in your pants' but when he said it.... He meant it.
  • Sydney, Australia
  • UnitOctober 6, 2010

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XxwitoxX XxwitoxX Jan 30, 2012 04:18AM
@AlannahMorris Sadly I'm not but i am working on another story (that means ive sat down and written 3 pages lol) but depending on how much time i get i may continue and update that :D
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