
Rest in Peace Mitchell R__e. 8-28-98/ 1-10-16❤️


A few months ago a'popular' kid died in a car accident at 2am. In this text u debt to my friend I am not disrespecting him at all. He will be missed RIP Ethan. This text discusses a serious matter in s young boys name known as Mitchell/Michael. 
          So I need to rant. This kid in my sisters school committed suicide on Saturday. No announcement, no support, no one cared. When Ethan died OMG ETHAN I MISS YOU SO MUCH COME BACK FLY HIGH. Now I'm not disrespecting Ethan cause what happen was sad, but this is suicide. He put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger cause people were so awful to him. He felt as if no one care for him and that he ended it. He wasn't popular or 'liked' among certain groups of people, but still he killed himself! What happen to Ethan was and A C C I D E N T PEOPLE THIS KID KILLED HIMSELF. DEAD. GONE. NO MORE. Nothing was said until his only friend went down to guidance 3rd period and FLIPPED OUT. Finally an announcement was produced. 'If you feel the need to come to guidance don't be afraid. _____ killed himself this weekend. Stay strong butler' THAT KID DIDNT EVEN GET A PROPER ANNOUNCEMT. Now I get it might be triggering but STILL OMG. Ok now they might not have know about it until then but that announcement was stupid and he deserved more than that. I miss you Mitchell/ Michael. I wouldn't loved and helped you. Rest in peace brother❤️


So yesterday I started a jar. This jar has 3 pieces of paper in it so far. What it is is when I'm up set I'll put the date, time, and my sad thought on the paper(1 word only). I put that piece of paper in the jar, seal it shut, put it in a box, then it goes under my desk. At the end of each month I'll, flush the papers or burn them. It's been helping a lot. Maybe my idea could help you too.  


Giving up on love 


I remember hugging him and my ear was right on his heart and I could've stayed there forever. Then one other time he said that he wanted to really look like really look at me and he bent down and poked all my facial features like the freckle on my jaw line and the Indent right by it. The dimple right under my left eye. The scar on my forehead. My green eyes. Alli I miss him so much and I don't know what to do. I love him and I miss him so much. But guess what it doesn't work out for me, ever. And it never will.And one time it was raining and I left my jacket in my locker so he put his arm around me and I felt so protected and warm.And one time it was raining and I left my jacket in my locker so he put his arm around me and I felt so protected and warm.Now he doesn't even answer my texts or likes anything on Instagram like I was some peace of trash like he could just use for a little while and then be thrown away when he was done with me. But I still wish that I could text him at 2am and have him tell me it will be ok but I can't do that anymore and I don't know what I did to deserve that. I guess I'll never no ethier. 
            This is a text that I sent to my friend showing just how bad I had it for kolton 


I really try so hard to be the lovable girl I am but I always seem to push people away....


I wish I could say something to comfort ya, hun, but honestly, same. 