
Who tried to friend me by the Discord username of purplemucus? I have no idea who you are. So, I declined your friend request. If it's anyone of my followers, please speak up


Hey, since dms are now gone I can't check the last time we talked/rped but I'd be down to exchange discords, I haven't been too active in the rp community recently but I'm trying to find some discord servers to get back into it.
          My discord is insertjellyfishemojihere


@_deathbywords_ Sent you a friend request 


Hello there do you want to rp?


@Xx_Red_Roses_xX yes My discord is 


@sukasee Sure. But do you have Discord?


This might be a dumb idea, but what if we just 1 star Wattpad on the app/play store because of them getting rid of DMs? I also been hearing that it's a violation and they're breaking the LAW by doing this. So, it could be worth a shot. Not sure if it'll reach enough people. So, tell your friends to 1 star Wattpad on the app/play store ;)
          Again if you want my Discord (where I'm more active), it's Creative_Writer8288#2807. Please let me know you're sending a request before you do. And if I accept, please tell me your Wattpad username so I know who you are


I send u a friend request, my name yaboitokyo 


My discord is Kirsten_2023 


@Xx_Red_Roses_xX its funny cause a lot of the people who came here from Quotev came cause it had a few more bells. But Quotev still has dms and you can still do videos in your stories


Thanks to a friend, I was able to get the petition Wattpad users are using to stop the decision from happening 
          If you want to sign it, feel free to do so. But I would suggest everyone have an alternative app for roleplaying/chatting with friends just in case. 
          Wattpad isn't the same anymore and this decision is going to make a lot of people leave. But they'll only have themselves to blame. So, hopefully they listen if they don't want their app crashing down 
          Also, I'm going to add this only for myself, but I will only do smut/mature roleplays with people 18+. If you're under 18+, you'll get a wholesome roleplay ^-^ These are just my boundaries 


@ContigencyAccount I just saw this, but you can give me your Discord 


Mine is faithfully__


@Xx_Red_Roses_xX if you want I can give you my discord we already are making a server for people who wish to rp from wattpad 


If anyone wants my Discord to roleplay because Wattpad might get rid of DMs (which is stupid as hell), it's Creative_Writer8288#2807 but please announce your Wattpad username once I accept your request because I won't remember who you are unless you do. I'm way more active and enjoy roleplaying on Discord more than Wattpad if I'm being honest. Let's hope they don't get rid of DMs, but if they do, you know where you find me. Wattpad is becoming a hell storm jfc


@blondebombshell211 Same. I think it's because of pedos and them coming into contact with minors. Cause I don't think Wattpad would just impulsively make that decision to piss people off 