
Hello love, thank you for adding Trapped(h.s) to your reading list. Please share and leave some feedback, it would truly mean a lot to me. Thank you. If you ever need anything don't hesitate in PM'ing me, I'll gladly help. Have a lovely day, evening, night. 


Please re-write chapter 2 & 3 for the game of thrones fanfiction I absolutely love reading this story. 


@Moonlight20 YAY!! I cant wait :) 


@Moonlight20 Thank you for saying that I am currently re-writing chapter 2&3 and hopefully I will have it up by sometime this week I have been very sick with a flu bug so that has been a reason that I have not update recently because I have been trying to get better so I will try to have it up as soon as I can. Thank you so much for reading my story and loving it it makes me happy to know some one loves it.