
Hello my possibly already grown up followers who might still be here and not a dead acc. Doing a yearly update (yeah I'm that kind of ass). 
          	Not dead, in new University now. Still single :')  , sucked into Hazbin hotel fandom, adopt a cat I named Mustard and got a car (yay) 
          	Not bad for the start of my 20's tbh.
          	Anyway, been hearing 'bout SU fandom reviving and Rebecca opening to writing SU again. Tell you what, if it does happen and I get my writing spirits back. I might restarting this whole thing again. It be here might be in AO3 but we'll see
          	That's all from me...bye :3


Hello my possibly already grown up followers who might still be here and not a dead acc. Doing a yearly update (yeah I'm that kind of ass). 
          Not dead, in new University now. Still single :')  , sucked into Hazbin hotel fandom, adopt a cat I named Mustard and got a car (yay) 
          Not bad for the start of my 20's tbh.
          Anyway, been hearing 'bout SU fandom reviving and Rebecca opening to writing SU again. Tell you what, if it does happen and I get my writing spirits back. I might restarting this whole thing again. It be here might be in AO3 but we'll see
          That's all from me...bye :3


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Dont worry guys im not dead, just busy with my college life,part time job and dammit RWBY just fucking grab me by the throat and say "this is your life now"
          And yeah sorry for gone for like 2 years, i realize that its not writers block. Just fallen out of SU fandom since the show come to an end. I can try to finish all my three rupphire books but not really sure if you guys still gonna read it since it been years after it updated,let me know.
          Also,if i manage to finish it i probably gonna start a book about bumbleby(its a rwby ship btw) 


@XxRedxX03 Omg you’re alive! Heck yea I would still read!




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Please...for the love of anything good brain work with me 
          it's been months,where's my goddamn creativity 
          Anyone who see this please bully me to keep my shit together and finally update shit


@XxRedxX03 since you politely asked i shall grace you with bully 
            A.K.A. me showing support by not making you feel bad 
            It's normal to be on a writer's block look at me it's been MONTHS since my last update


I can’t put myself to bully you. Your doing great. The creativity will come back to you


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Okay i know this is late af but...
          HAPPY NEW YEAR!
          I celebrated the new year at my village that I should mention that there's no signal there.
          And now i finally home 
          Hope this is not worse than last year so let just cross our finger okay.
          And im not gonna be active on wattpad in a month so thats a bad news.Im gonna be back maybe around the middle of February because my big exam .
          Im not gonna say to wish me luck because I know im gonna be fuck up on that exam.
          I aint studying any shit and just pray to God the questions is not gonna be hard.
          Im dreaming to be in military so whats the point of me studying chemistry and economics? Thats stupid..
          Anyway im babling too much so yeah have a nice year and stay safe.
          Red,Peace out


          I know we never grow old together,
          Cause you'll never grow old to me,
          You the pink in my cheeks,
          And I scared that it means I'm a little bit soft,
          But dont beat yourself up bonnie,
          It wasn't just the sun that I was hiding from,
          We were mess up kids,taught ourself how to live,
          And I'm still scared that I'm not good enough,
          I always felt like a monster,
          Long before I was bit,
          But only seen as a monster,
          Let just say I'm used to it,
          And grew tough cause love it only hurt me back,
          But loving you is a good problem to have,
          And im used to that but I can used to this,
          Yeah I'm to that but I can get used to this,
          And I know we never grow old together,
          Cause you never grew old to me,
          You're the pink in my cheeks,
          And I love that i means im a little bit soft,
          You're the pink in my cheeks,
          And l love that it means im a little bit soft,