


Hi guys......  So ik I'm a terrible author and all but school has just been getting to me and it's too much to do school work and upload on a daily schedule.  Although I have noticed we have hit 3k on TPW! Which is supper exciting thank you all!  Also I just posted a new story that I plan on making a crossover with TPW so expect that!  Also I plan on posting so chapters for both books NEXT weekend I have a busy weekend full of b-day partys!  
          Again I'm sorry for not posting and for my lack of activity. 
          Love you all


I'm sorry for the lack of updates! My wattpad on my phone isn't working so I'm using my mom's phone to write this. There will be a update tomorrow bc my phone is getting fixed today and I also had 4test each day last week so it's been hetic here! I'm also going to the fair with my friends tomorrow! Anyways love u all!
          CHAPTER 14 AARON'S P.O.V 


If anybody has any covers they have or can do for the packs weaknesses in would be very! appreciative bc I'm getting kinda bored with the current one but if u like the cover as it is let me know so I don't change it luv u all ❤ sry I wrote a fricking paragraphalso there's a sexy scene for Alexis and Aaron for tomorrow's update so stay tuned


I can make one!!!