
Hey guys,
          	Just a little message.
          	I usually wont be updating on weekends. I also wont be updating this coming Tuesday nor Monday. I might have time to update but I'll have to see. Tuesday my little nephew is being born! 
          	Monday I'm hanging out with my friend, Cindi all day. I will also put a little message like this on the bottom of my next chapter I'm writing for Us Against The World. 
          	I might just try and write three chapters (that are hopefully long) just so you guys have some chapters to read.
          	-Mrs Satan


Hey guys,
          Just a little message.
          I usually wont be updating on weekends. I also wont be updating this coming Tuesday nor Monday. I might have time to update but I'll have to see. Tuesday my little nephew is being born! 
          Monday I'm hanging out with my friend, Cindi all day. I will also put a little message like this on the bottom of my next chapter I'm writing for Us Against The World. 
          I might just try and write three chapters (that are hopefully long) just so you guys have some chapters to read.
          -Mrs Satan