


hii peoples ^^ so i was just scroling through tiktok when i had the idea to check my notifications, for god know what =~=, when i came to knowtis that infact my notifications are clear ?>? i guess the thursty ass people (such as myself U>U) just arn't out surching through fanficts yet TT>TT but i guess time isn't the same every were, like even tho it's only 8:06pm for me, it's probibly like 8:00am for others =~=     but anyway thats all i wanted to say. i'll see you BEAUTIFUL people later U^U


i ment to change "thursty ass people" to simps lol


he guys! so i'd just like to ask who here suports gays/lezbians!
          sence i came out a little wile ago to my friends.... they dontknow this but i've been feeling kind self conshis about it and i like the feeling of knowing i have the suport of you beautiful people! you dont half to do anything or say anything i just thout i'd ask :))


@TododekuForLifeUoU Idc abt sexuality... personality matters and u have it good 