
That moment when you realize that Ruki is more delicious than pumpkin spice latte 


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To misquote a story I read...
          Roses are red
          Violets are blue
          I have five fingers
          The third one is for you
          Haters will hate but I don't care, I'm fucking happy for once and all the whiny ass bitches can go fuck themselves
          Bye Wattpad...


Its that time of year again 


@SmilingSpooder666 if you know me then you know what I mean ;) 


@lKarlheinzl there are many times of year. You got fireflies, lovebugs, etc. What time of year buttercup? 


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Once in my life will someone actually listen to me instead of imposing their ideas onto me and telling me that I am wrong? Like what the fuck is wrong with people, if anything I should know what's going on with me because I am me, not you, like fuck open your dam ears and listen to me instead of telling me I need to do something before its too lste. So done with this shit.....


Why can't people these days actually read for content instead of focusing on getting their point across. Also accepting opinions when did that become uncool and this the poor victim me generation. Seriously things in life will only be better if you take the chip of your own shoulder and stop putting out negative thoughts and vibes out to others. If they don't like your gender, so what? they don't like how you dress, so what? They refuse to call you what you want, so what? The list grows...Believe it or not giving in to the negative and hate only drives people more and jumping on a bandwagon because it's the in thing to do is making you look like a sheep. If it's legit for you to preach about it then do it but don't be a jerk in the process. Just because someone is a jerk to you doesn't mean you can be to anyone else.
          This concludes my Ted talk so go do something other than play on the phone will you trees need life go outside and give them some and if I confused you with this pay attention in school.