
Hello everyone! So sorry for not keeping you informed about anything that's going on or why I'm running so behind. The reason I've been so behind is that I was working on those two one-shots I posted about a week or two ago and they were a lot longer than I expected.
          	Then I got caught up in working on a collab with @rebel784. It's a mini book that both of us are writing together and I encourage y'all to go check it out. It's called 'New York Fiasco' and it's posted on @rebel784's page. 
          	I have been slowly working on the Artic chapter and now that the year is finally slowing down for me, I can work on it more now that I have time.
          	Again, so sorry for not keeping y'all updated and I hope to have the next chapter out by the end of the month or the beginning of June. 
          	Thank you for sticking around this long and being patient. You have no idea how much I appreciate that. I'll do a better job at keeping y'all updated and as always, have a good day/night!


Hello everyone! So sorry for not keeping you informed about anything that's going on or why I'm running so behind. The reason I've been so behind is that I was working on those two one-shots I posted about a week or two ago and they were a lot longer than I expected.
          Then I got caught up in working on a collab with @rebel784. It's a mini book that both of us are writing together and I encourage y'all to go check it out. It's called 'New York Fiasco' and it's posted on @rebel784's page. 
          I have been slowly working on the Artic chapter and now that the year is finally slowing down for me, I can work on it more now that I have time.
          Again, so sorry for not keeping y'all updated and I hope to have the next chapter out by the end of the month or the beginning of June. 
          Thank you for sticking around this long and being patient. You have no idea how much I appreciate that. I'll do a better job at keeping y'all updated and as always, have a good day/night!


Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay on updating any of the stories. I have been swamped lately and haven't had the time to work on writing. Plus, my inspiration has gone down the drain right now and I don't want to do anything, but I'm fighting through it. 
          Please be patient with me. I'm writing two one-shots at once because one of them is a little... emotional. The other one is a lemon, so that will make everything better.
          Once again, so sorry for taking so long. I hope y'all can understand. I will try to have these one-shots out soon. Thank y'all and have a amazing day/night!


Hey I was just wondering if you have an upload schedule for oneshots and chapters?


@Marigold_781 have fun! The new chapter won’t be out for about three-four weeks or so, and I think I’ll have a new oneshot in two weeks. Enjoy your vacation!


Ok thank you so much just asking bc I’m going on vacation and will have limited WiFi! Love the new artic book btw!


@Marigold_781 I don't really have a schedule for anything really. It's just when I get to it and write the new chapter or one-shot. I will say that I usually write a chapter and then one or two one-shots before I start the next chapter. 
            After Artic is done, I'm going to have a more concrete schedule. You'll see when the time comes.


Hello Everyone! I am back from my break, and I 'totally' did not forget to announce that. Anyway, I have the new chapter for Spy Racers: Artic in the making along with several one-shots to start working with.
          During my hiatus, I have successfully edited all of the published chapters for Artic and have done a few chapters for Russia and the one-shots. Also during last month, I worked on the secret project that I just know all of you will love (You still don't get to know what it is though hehe).
          I have gotten the time to refresh, think of new ideas for the book, and thought of new ideas for coming books.
          As always (and I'm sure y'all have missed this) have a lovely day/night! I hope all of you had a wonderful month of February!


@Xena_006 when are the updates for March coming out?


When r u releasing more chapters??


@LunaJaroszuk Good Question! And I totally for got to announce that I back from my break and every. 
            Soon. I've been really busy into this week, but the new chapter is in the making. It will be out in the middle of next week I believe. If not, then expect it at the end of next week.


Okay so I know that it's still early and that Xena just started their Hiatus but I also want to show everyone this! https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZNZppf8wwATyyAsT7
          If you click on this link, it shows you a brand new art picture that I just finished working on! 
          I'll give you a hint: It's one of the scenes from Spy Racers Arctic! And hopefully I drew the characters right! (Speaking of characters tho. OMG they have so much potential chemistry together! I'm fangirling!


Good 'day everyone! Small update on the new chapter because I am on a roll with it! I am almost done with it, and boy am I proud of something I've written in a small amount of time and restarted about twice. It's still going to be released on the 31st, but I just wanted to say that it will be ending abruptly (So basically my evil cliffhanger). I am really happy about how it is coming along.
          This is also my notification of telling everyone that I will not be releasing anything during the month of February except a scheduled Valentine's special that I am super proud of. I will also let y'all know about this break in the new chapter as well in case not everyone sees this. 
          Also, I just wanted to say thank you for your patience for the new chapter. I know I've been slacking a lot recently, but I promise it won't be that bad in March. And thank you for reading my stories. I know something like fan-written stories isn't read that much and it means so much to me that even one person is enjoying my works.
          As per usual, thank you and have a blessed day/night!


Bonjour! I wanted to inform everyone that the next chapter to the Artic story is being released on the 31st of January. I am honestly really excited about this chapter, plus, if it goes the way I'm thinking, you'll be left on a cliffhanger for a month hehe. I know, I'm evil, but things have been so crazy that I haven't been able to get two chapters posted this month. My apologies. 
          Another thing is that requests for things to be added into the story are coming really soon, just not this chapter. Like backstories and whatnot. 
          Again, I'm so sorry for taking this long on getting another chapter, but it's coming. I promise. Thank y'all have a good day/night!


@rebel784 I’m very evil ehahaha!


@Xena_006 How evil are you to leave us on a cliffhanger?!   
            I can't wait for more stories to come for Spy Racers! 
            (ooh maybe I should draw them....write that down! Write that down! *Proceeds to start taking notes )


Hola everyone. I just want to inform y'all that the next chapter for Artic is in the makings but it's going really slow. I have ideas for the chapter, but the bad thing is that I haven't had the time to work on it. Things have been rather hectic lately and I haven't had the time to work on it. I'm so sorry for the wait, but I'm also trying not to rush it and make it bad. I was not expecting this month to be that bad in terms of what all is happening in my life, but it's happening and I'm trying my best to get it written. Please expect it either next week or two weeks, but it will be before February. 
          Thank y'all for understanding, and have a nice day/night.


@rebel784 Thank you so much for your patience. You really have no idea how much I appreciate it. Thank you for all of the support!


Hey everyone. So sorry for not posting on the Artic book in a while. I have been incredibly busy and I haven’t had the inspiration to write it. My bad  but I will say that the chapter is pretty long so I have some sort of an excuse.
          I promise I’ll get it out before the end of the month, I just don’t know when. Please be patient with me. Thank you and have a good day/night!


@Xena_006 ok. Thanks for the update