
Hello hello!!! It's been a hot minute since I've been on here huh lollllll. If you haven't noticed, there's a few changes to my account. I'm most likely not going to create any new content on here but I will fix and attempt to complete what I currently have and to try to draw covers for my stories. I may end up writing stories to put on here in awhile but I'm planning to create and illustrate my comics and putting them on Webtoons when I do so I won't be able to be on here as much. Thank you for your patience and as always, Happy Readings!!! ~Mae/Ahiru


Hello hello!!! It's been a hot minute since I've been on here huh lollllll. If you haven't noticed, there's a few changes to my account. I'm most likely not going to create any new content on here but I will fix and attempt to complete what I currently have and to try to draw covers for my stories. I may end up writing stories to put on here in awhile but I'm planning to create and illustrate my comics and putting them on Webtoons when I do so I won't be able to be on here as much. Thank you for your patience and as always, Happy Readings!!! ~Mae/Ahiru


Yeesh, it's been really long now lol. So, for anyone who had actually been reading my story Distasteful, I'm make some major changes to it, so if you want to be up to date with its accuracy, I would suggest you go back through it from the beginning. 
          Also, I have been drawing, dw, I'll update my crappy art whenever I get to it lmao. Just hold on tight, I wanna finish updating Distasteful first since I made a M A J O R change that needs changing ASAP
          Well, idk what else to say, so... as I always say, Happy Readings/Viewings! 


Hmm... it's been a while, hasn't it? XD Anyway, I haven't really been up to much, have I? Sorry about that, I've had a lot of projects and tests to do. I promise I'll go back and finish some of those older works of mine I left unfinished. For now, I've been working on a comic script for a to-be graphic novel called Distasteful. It's kinda gay and really cute if you wanna check it out ^-^ (My pfp is a drawing of one of the main characters). Anyway, I'm just stopping by and hopefully, I can get through the rest of the school year smoothly so I can use the summer to work on those other books and stuff. Good luck to all and, like always, happy readings!
          ~Maple Parker


Alas, I am back! (sort of maybe) I've been working on my art skills and been trying to spread my view of what my possible talents could be. But now I am back to try my hand at writing again since it's been a while. So, while it's going to be hard to go back to my older books because of all the cringe, I am going to make some new books I've been thinking about writing. Today I've started on "The Artifacts of Wishes" and hopefully I'll be able to follow it through and finish the book. I hope you all will enjoy it; I know I'm going to enjoy writing it. Enjoy and happy readings! ~Maple Parker


Ya know, there are some really nice people out there. It makes me mad when I see them doing a bunch of stuff for people who a few years from now will look at them and be like "Who dafaq are you?" Like, at least make them pay a fee. It's fine to let your closest friends to get stuff for free, but only the friends who if you weren't to see again until you're in your 90s will be rolling in those electic carts at Walmart with fat rolls sagging just go into the bread isle, look up and be like "Yo, is that you?" and as you're scooting towards each other trying to give each other a High five end up rolling out of the cart and tumbling on top of each other. Ya get what I'm saying?


Thank you for the follow Maple Parker


Okay Josh xD


Oh if we ever text please call me Josh


Okay so for a heads up, I'm going to be changing the cover photo for my AGK fanfic because I've seen other users use the same one (and I just suck at computer art). So, sorry for any confusions and hopefully I won't have to do this again. Well, 'till we speak again, ciao!


Hey guys! Lol well, I know I sound pretty lame by saying this, but thanks for the 1k reads on my fanfic for AGK!!! (XD I feel indeed very lame for saying that hahaha) Anyway I'm still working on it so don't stop reading yet!