
So, I've been pretty absent here for the last few weeks/months. I've been really out of it lately and lacked any want to continue writing. I'm trying to start again so I can finish the stories that I still have posted here especially since you all seem to enjoy them. I'll try to post as often as I can.


So, I've been pretty absent here for the last few weeks/months. I've been really out of it lately and lacked any want to continue writing. I'm trying to start again so I can finish the stories that I still have posted here especially since you all seem to enjoy them. I'll try to post as often as I can.


I have my A03 account up, but have no clue how to share the link here. Does anybody know how to do it?


@XXtn664 don't get back to me on the question I ask... I figured it out... and to say I was quite dumb is a understatement 


@XXtn664 so wait... what is your account name on ao3


Just as I predicted, another story was removed from my account. This time it was Humanity's Ally. Honestly, I don't even know what made them remove it, because they don't even explain or give a reason why it was removed. I'm not even going to bother appealing the story. From now on, I'll only be focusing on stories like the Titanfall one (If it's not removed too) but now my mind is set. I'm going to be switching to A03 and any other sites that let me write the stories you love. But now, I'll have to move my works to Google Docs or just wait to receive the A03 invitation. I'm sorry if this disappoints you all, but with how strict Wattpad is becoming, I don't think the type of stories I write will be allowed anymore.


@ShadowBuddy1 I forgot that it was supposed to come on the 25th so I'm creating it now.


@XXtn664 If you could link to your ao3 that would be nice, but over all that is annoying


The story is up! We released it just a few minutes ago! If this link doesn't work you'll have to go to my Twitter for it. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Xb9v37aqCuGf_Km-jkGV1z9wpSmcAWQ74V5TQAewD7g/mobilebasic


@XXtn664 it's all good... though I would like more stories if that's okay


@NovStr Yeah. Unfortunately, that's not up to me to decide. It was up to my partner since they were creating them


@XXtn664 a messed up story... I like it... though maybe a extra image wouldn't hurt