3 out of the 24 books I've written are published . . . . Just saying 


I die of laughing every time I see your bio


I didn't unfollow you, if i did than i meant to unfollow the person that unfollowed me and I'm am following you anyways and you think i do that for fun?? No. And if i did in follow won't matter. People always mean these days 


Ha thanks and I have that relatable vibe when I see yours cuz if you unfollow me bro I will unfollow REAL QUICK I'm not gunna be a free follow you gotta earn that by following and stay following 


And PS people who are unfollowing, cool that's good, at lest I have some loyal people and if you think I'm being unfair bruh I'm not giving you a free follow earn that follow by following and not unfollowing because it bothers me SO MUCH when my followers and Following are unbalanced that's just how I'm am I'm sorry oops