
IWC is updated. Sorry it took so long. Should be interesting though? x


@XSmileWithoutReasonX. you should really update IWC again. I need to read more. pretty please. for me? ok good. love you too


So, lately IWC has been getting a lot of attention. Namely emails repeatedly telling me to update- and same with the sequel to Clues. Upon reading back over IWC- I decided that I could keep going with it I supposed. The writing wasn't as atrocious as I previously feared. (Not to say it wasn't atrocious. ) however- I'm a bit iffy on the clues series. It's pretty hurtin'- so I will start on the next chapter of IWC but for now, WYLTSANG will be on break. Sorry. I'm just worried I won't even be able to remember little things from the last story- since its been so long, and additionally I can't get past the third chapter without hating myself. So there's that. I'll start on a chapter. Just know it's in the works. Thanks for not killing me in my sleep- because I wouldn't blame you. x