
Hiii my Wattpad family!! I am here to inform you that I am indeed working on the book! No the book is not paused/on hold. Life is just super duper hectic right now with graduation and clearing and all that jazz. I hope to have the chapter up soon. Please please be patient with me! I love you all a ton!! 


Quick question. Are you going to post on daddy duo or any story? I’m a bit worried and wondering if you are taking a break, if that’s the case you should post an update about whats going on or about how you can’t post right now. Hope I’m not imposing.


hey, i know you haven't been active in a while but i thought you should know that i really love your writing and i admire your pride and advocacy for CG/L. if you do end up being active again, please don't stop writing because i honestly can't get enough of your work and can't wait for an update. 


aww you're welcome, anytime you need some heart melting words i'll be at your disposal


@0o0BlurryFace0o0 thank you so much sweets  this made my heart melt. 