
Annnd I'm back.
          	Hope everyone's Holidays are going well. What have you guys been up to? Shopping? Family time? What have you been writing?
          	I haven't been very active on here since they did away with the forums, but I figured I'd give Wattpad another go. 
          	If anyone would like feedback on their WIP, feel free to send me a message. :)


@XOXOQueen72 QUEEN!  I was going to shout at you last night but it was late and I didn't have much in the tank.  So good to see you back again - I'm firing a DM at you right now -


Annnd I'm back.
          Hope everyone's Holidays are going well. What have you guys been up to? Shopping? Family time? What have you been writing?
          I haven't been very active on here since they did away with the forums, but I figured I'd give Wattpad another go. 
          If anyone would like feedback on their WIP, feel free to send me a message. :)


@XOXOQueen72 QUEEN!  I was going to shout at you last night but it was late and I didn't have much in the tank.  So good to see you back again - I'm firing a DM at you right now -


Hey guys, been MIA from wattpad for many reasons. But just to update. I am still here and still writing BUT I won't be reviewing any new stories for the moment. I will also be unpublishing Rising Sun from wattpad as I shop around for official publishing and copyrights. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. XOXO


Hello, would you be interested in a read for read? :)


@bosandaros Sounds great. You have a really neat premise. 


@XOXOQueen72 Thanks for following back btw. :)


Happy New Year! 
          So things going on...
          Rising Sun is still being edited, I will be changing some key points in the story as well as adding more backstory for some of the characters. I am also possibly looking for a new cover and banners for the book! If anyone can help me with those it'd be great. 
          I have also started working on the prequel to Rising Sun as I intended to be a trilogy in some sense. The the Teaser for the story will be launching in late February once I've finished the plans I have for Rising Sun, so be on the look out for the soon. 
          As always thank you to everyone who believes in and supports me, it means the world. 


@uschibear Thank you so much. I'm glad things are getting back to normal too. Hopefully 2021 can be a peaceful and productive year all around. :)


@XOXOQueen72 I am looking forward to seeing the new look for Rising Sun. I'm glad things are coming back to normal. 


Happy Holidays Everyone!
          So yet another large hiatus for me and i'm SO sorry for that. BUT i'm really back this time and will be rolling out some huge edits to Rising Sun. I also have some updates coming for A Vampire's Curse. Keep an eye out. 


          I'm back. HUGE thank you to everyone Rising Sun has reached 2k reads. I'm super thankful for the support!
          In regards to my other novel AVC, I have uploaded the awesome trailer.  I also plan to restart updating it as well. 
          As for Rising Sun, I have been working a some pretty big edit offline and will be updating that as well. 
          Thank again for all the support. :) Happy reading!


New chapter for A Vampire's Curse is rolling out this weekend. Also a trailer for it is coming as well, shout out to @poisonlilac for the new media.
          In regards to Rising Sun I have a few things.
          The book will soon be going under large amounts of editing. Some just grammar related and a few things on character and story. I plan to start these edits next weekend. So with that being said if you're just starting the book please bare with me. If you're beyond chapter 15 or so i shouldn't be making many edits past there for a while.
          If you've finished the book and are feeling gutted, don't be! The sequel "Allegiance" is coming December 1st. (Unless you know life)
          As always, thank you to everyone reading and supporting my work. I appreciate each and every one of you.
          XoXo Queen


Rising Sun just ticked past 1k! Thank you so much you guys! XOXO


@XOXOQueen72 oh my gosh I am working on it! I promise! And I haven't forgotten about your comments, I'll respond soon! Thank you so much for being patient ❤️


@SloanBrady Thanks so much. Im giddy about it. Still waiting on those updates from you too. ;)


@XOXOQueen72 I'm so happy for you! Congrats! 


Hey you lovely royals! So i have a few updates. If you missed it In My Own Words has been completed. If you like poetry check it out. Second, Rising Sun has been updated! The final chapter of the book will be uploaded sometime today. Whoo! For my readers waiting on an update to A Vampire's Curse I haven't forgotten about you or given up on the story. An update for that will be rolling out as soon as I can.