
this message may be offensive
A month into being 18 and I get diagnosed with diabetes that’s my fucking life


I’m starting to realize that one of my new favorite show is an emotional trigger to me within the fandom because I, as someone who is like my favorite character, understands why they behave the way they do. I completely understand them and a lot of people within the fandom don’t. Which that’s amazing but it’s so frustrating for people to not get your point or understand.


It’s barely 2 where I am and my day has been filled with a tone of love, excitement and warmth but I also got some sad news today and felt like sharing it.
          Today I got that my uncle will be putting down his dog of 13/14 years soon. It’s very clearly his time to be able to rest but it hard to actually think of him not being here because I’ve grown up with him, we’ve had him since he was a puppy.
          People who don’t have pets or connection to them don’t understand how actually painful it is to even hear it.




Thinking of switching my major but completely lost on to what 


@pumpkinspiciest I think teaching is amazing and children are too but as I kept thinking more about it, i just can’t see myself loving it down the line. I think kids deserve a teacher who’s gonna want to be there until they can’t anymore. 


@Writing_sprendes do you not want to teach anymore? If you like reading, like children, but don’t want to teach, there’s always library sciences. 