
I'll be adding additional book review options to my page. Check them out if you want your book reviewed, or are looking for something new to read. 


Hello there! 
          Thanks for adding my book to your reading list. And for the follow. 


@WritingAmethyst it’s cool. It’s almost 6am here and I only got a short eye from midnight till 5am. :) 


@Denyefa4 You're welcome! I'll be reading more later in the day. It's almost 1 in the morning, and I should sleep to be functional for work later 


Hello everyone, I'm back ;)
          I started a new story called 'Along Came Charlie' and would appreciate if you would take a look and leave some feedback. Despite the cover, it'll be a good read. I have 3 parts so far. 
          I'm trying to get back into the groove of writing after years of hiatus. I have a lot of new books planned and old ones I'm re-writing.
          I look forward to being more active.


You said that your school had the metal wands and security guards my question is what school did you go to. 


@Michael6890 So I live in New York, Brooklyn to be exact. It's pretty normal to have security guards at the door in the morning. Not all, but many schools here go through metal detectors, have a wand used on them and pat down if they went through the metal detector too many times. 


Wow. It's been forever since I've last been on here, and so much has changed. 
          I really do apologize. Gomen-nasai *bows*
          I've unpublished all my stories since I'm pretty much disappointed in everything that I've written. But I have not given up writing. In fact, I'm still going to continue and try to be more consistent. 
          Taking everything off is just temporary as I am going to re-write everything, including Faded. One year ago I promised the same thing but haven't gotten a chance to fulfill it (it's hilarious that I'm still working on that prologue). But I will.
          I still will have the older version of Faded as well as all my other older works available at a later date. They will just be labeled as discontinued and will be made into a newer version. 
          Hope to have something up soon!