
Hey! If you want to take part in our Fantasy RP be sure to send in your character sheet. The kinks have been worked out, and we are on the final stretch! Don't miss the opportunity to collaborate with people who love writing just as much as you do!


Petram Character Sheet
          Name: Petram
          Nickname: Peter
          Power/Weapon: Great strength and can restore his body so long as his core is not damaged or destroyed.
          Race: Rock Golem
          Age: 500 Years
          Description: Petram, or Peter, was created 500 years ago by an old wizard named Darius. Peter was made after numerous failed attempts and aided the village Darius lived in. The villagers did not trust it, for many humans feared beasts and creatures of the forest and beyond. Overtime they came to like Peter and put trust in it, but there was always an underlying distrust. When an accident has happened with a child, and Peter tried to save them, they died. Peter was quickly accused, banished, and betrayed. From this point and onward for years, it developed a distrust in humans and protected other creatures who could not fend for themselves when the war began against them.
          Personality: Distrusting with humans, kind with other creatures. Can be fierce if need be.
          Gender: Miscellaneous
          Relationship Status: None.
          Likes: Small animals, kind creatures, the forest.
          Dislikes: Humans, cruel creatures.
          Creator: Wooldridicus