
I may not be able to publish a chapter today because I'm still in the process of writing it. 
          	Thanks for understanding.


I'm back from my hiatus (even if it wasn't up to a month). And I just want to say, thank you to all that have been with me when I unpublished all my books only to start this new one: A NIGERIAN HIGHSCHOOL ROMANCE.
          The first chapter has already been published and I would like you all to read it.
          Thank youuuuuu


@WriterX_15 Can't wait I will read it


Okay, I know you all might just hate me. But I would be taking a month hiatus from Wattpad just to recollect my thoughts. 
          An by that, I would be unpublishing all my books and hopefully when I'm back, put them back on. 
          I never liked when authors just unpublished their books. But I guess I'm turning into that author now. Hopefully I can put a good piece together then get back to you. 
          But do now, bear with me.
          Thank you.
          Love y'all 


@WriterX_14 Please come back soon 


@WriterX_14 Ok I hope you come back soon


"We are not hiding. I am", I corrected. "And don't you have a house? I've seen you this week more than my own reflection", I said, all the while checking if my grandmother was about finding me. He was constantly coming over and it was ticking me off. 
          "You don't look in the mirror often?", He asked. Was that even the point?
          "You're clearly clog headed", I insulted and he grinned. 
          "Perhaps your grandmother would like to know your whereabouts", he said and stood up. I clenched my teeth and pulled him back, then checked to see if my grandmother was about finding me. 
          Well, that was where we stopped.


"Why are we hiding?", I heard a voice from behind me and I yelped but covered my mouth immediately so as not to blow my cover. 
          I turned around to a pair of orange eyes, burning brightly with excitement. It was Oliver, my cousin's friend.
          I would be posting some paragraphs like this from time to time for you guys to just read while you wait for the next update of TROUBLE NEXT DOOR. 
          And if you guys like the paragraphs I post, you can tell me if you want a real book between Oliver and Flames.
          Thank you!