
Thanks for doing this. I have a novel but I'm not sure whether to put it on Wattpad or not. It's written for adults but features a sassy animal as the protagonist. Yeah, that's weird but I'm a bit odd myself. The story is a mystery without any real romance element (at least not more than in a Hollywood movie mystery) so I figured it would never get found on Wattpad. What do you think? Should I take the plunge and start publishing chapters here, or will it get lost and never found? I have written it once, rewritten it from scratch and even run it by my critique group but I just don't know... Wattpad or try for publication? It's called Marmalade, Cat Detective and it did get some positive feedback from an editor at a conference.... She send send it out but I haven't. I keep thinking it needs one more edit...


Yeah you just have to take the plunge! It can be a fantastic book but you’ll never know is it’s just hiding on your laptop. 