
Chapter 34 is best read while listening to In the Woods Somewhere by Hozier an I will not be taking feedback.


Hey folks!!! Here's the dealio for realio, mkay? I'm taking a littttttle break as a treat after the doom and gloom. I've got another project I've been working on, as well as school stuff I've been needing to do. Do not fret!! I have a schedule!!! I will not be gone long.




another late chapter boooooo tomato tomato im at 2.5k words but its a party chapter so you guys KNOW it takes more than that. hopefully posting tmrw!!!
          also this is a public service announcement that ive decided being professional is overrated and i will no longer thoughtfully type out announcements. suffer


Oh my GOD! I’m SO pumped for Act II!! Are you guys ready for this?? It’s gonna be AMAZING! There’s a huge time skip between Acts I and II so prepare yourselves! I intend to get back into schedule, but we’ll see how that goes!!
          -Alice/Craz <3


Hello everybody! It’s a little late, huh? I can’t finish chapter 18 yet. Sad, I know, but I’m currently going through some things and I can’t find it in me to publish another chapter yet. 
          I know I keep making excuses, but I just can’t burn myself out. I’m worth more than that, and I refuse to sacrifice my mental health for a book on Wattpad. Or anything, for that matter.
          This is a sign that you are worth more than accomplishments. You are worth more than an award, you are worth more than validation, and you are worth more than some spot on Student Council. I love you all.
          -Alice/Craz <3