Hey, so for those waiting on the new chapter for Captain Short Stack, I apologize. I owe you guys a ton of updates, or longer chapters, but I promise you I am working on it. So please don't be mad. High school is not merciful, but it is helpful to know how to write correctly. 
          	I am also working  on the Rivamika oneshot book. I've got one and a half out of ten so far XD sorry. I'm pretty sure the first one is about 2,331 words or something around that.


Hey, so for those waiting on the new chapter for Captain Short Stack, I apologize. I owe you guys a ton of updates, or longer chapters, but I promise you I am working on it. So please don't be mad. High school is not merciful, but it is helpful to know how to write correctly. 
          I am also working  on the Rivamika oneshot book. I've got one and a half out of ten so far XD sorry. I'm pretty sure the first one is about 2,331 words or something around that.