
R.I.P Queen Lizzie


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Alright so I'm kinda pissed, me and my friends went into Poole for the day, there was a stall that was selling fidget toys, one of my friends wanted to see what they had, while they were looking me and me other friend were standing next to the stall, there was an octopus keyring on the floor, my friend picked it up and was wandering if we should get it, in the mean time my other friend came back and before we could do anything the man at the stall yelled "I saw you stealing now put it back, now fuck off and don't come back, your now banned! Actually I'm gonna call the police, I've already got them on the phone" at as, then he started to say where he was, we didn't know what to do so we just booked it until we reached an alley way and started to plan on where we were going to go. We're just teenagers, we didn't even steal anything, before we ran, I could see that he clearly had his phone off and he was just threating us. We then headed to the police station and waited for my friends mother to finish work and take us home. 
          Honestly, I don't want to go near that stall again especially if I'm a family member and be remembers me.


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So I've just about fucking had it. 
          One of the reasons is that the rumours that people at school are spreading are getting out of hand. One of them is that I had sex with a teacher to get better grades because I'm failing. First of, what the fuck?! And second yes I'm failing but I would never do that. Another thing that one of the bitches in my class has said to me is "why did you get plastic surgery in the wrong place?" Me being me came back with "What do you mean? I don't even have the money to get surgery let alone plastic surgery" And then this bitch came back with "Oh then why is you chest big then?" Bitch, I can't control that I developed early, so now she calls me a whore and so do other people.
          Another thing that keeps happening is by someone I thought I could trust, for a while he's been groping me and slapping or grabbing my arse and then says it's all a joke. Like how? How is that a joke? Yesterday he took it to far, long story short, one of my friends has now left, I'm more unstable and insecure then I already was, my other friend is thinking about committing suicide, and after I snapped at him I only had it worse.
          This was more of a rant and I apologize but I need to get this off my chest.


Ok so I'm currently crying, he said that he'll support me matter what and that I'm brave for telling him. I was scared that it would break our bond but I guess not, I'm so glad that it turned out this way


@ThatNon-BinaryGay THAT'S AWESOME!! I still haven't came out as biromantic to my dad, I'm also kinda scared bc we already don't have that good of a bond.. ❤️